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Case Load and Time Management



If your staff are feeling bogged down by caseloads and time restrictions, why not check out our Case Load & Time Management course? Throughout the day, participants will discover skills, strategies and resources to help them improve their time management and prevent caseloads from piling up around them. Ultimately, this course aims to put staff back in control of their time and caseloads.

Learning Outcomes

  • To recognise the negative impacts of unmanaged caseloads and time.
  • To identify possible reasons why we might not feel we have control over our time management and caseloads.
  • To understand the role that others might play in our ability to manage caseloads and time management, both positively and negatively.
  • To identify the benefits that may be gained by ourselves and others as a result of improved time and caseload management.
  • To understand how we can effectively communicate issues surrounding caseloads and time management to co-workers, supervisors and managers.
  • To learn about the principles and framework of “prioritising”.
  • To identify available tools and strategies for better managing caseloads and time.



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