Lesson 8 – Bleeds, Wounds and Shock

Hypovolaemic Shock

If a paediatric casualty loses more than 15% of an essential body fluid (e.g.), then they are at significant risk of going into hypovolaemic shock. This means the heart is unable to effectively circulate blood around the body, causing the body to start shutting itself down. Signs of hypovolaemic shock include:

  • Ashen / Pale Skin Tone
  • Cyanosis (Blueness)
  • Cold and Clammy Skin
  • Feelings of Nausea and/or Thirst
  • Rapid and Weak Pulse
  • Rapid and Shallow Breathing.
  • Dizziness
  • Confusion
  • Weakness

To maintain casualty safety, assist them to the floor. Keep them comfortable by placing something soft beneath their head, such as a pillow, jumper, or jacket. You can keep the casualty warm by covering them with a blanket or spare clothing. If the casualty is outside, then these coverings should be placed beneath the casualty because more warmth will be lost through the ground than the air.

Once the casualty is comfortable on the floor, you should raise their legs (unless legs are injured) to help bring blood back to the core of the casualty’s body. After the casualty has been positioned, you must keep them reassured by talking to them and contact 111 (non-emergency) or 999 / 112 (emergency). If the casualty becomes unresponsive, place them in the Safe Airway Position. If the casualty stops breathing, perform CPR.

Bleeds and Wounds

Treating Wounds

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