How the qualification is assessed

How the qualification is assessed

Assessment is the process of measuring a learner’s skill, knowledge and understanding against the standards set in a qualification.

This qualification is internally assessed and externally quality assured.

The assessment consists of one component:

  • an internally assessed portfolio of evidence, which is assessed by centre staff and externally quality assured by NCFE.

This qualification must be assessed in line with the Education and Training Foundation’s guidance for qualifications in education and training.

The Level 3 Award in Education and Training is a competence-based qualification.

A competence-based qualification may be based on national occupational standards (NOS) and is a job-ready qualification that requires learners to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to work in a specific industry. A competence-based qualification must be assessed in the workplace or in a real work environment (RWE) in accordance with the relevant assessment guidance. For further information on the guidance, please visit the qualifications page on the NCFE website.

Learners who are not successful can resubmit work within the registration period; however, a charge may apply.

All the evidence generated by the learner will be assessed against the standards expected of a level 3 learner for each learning outcome.

Unless stated otherwise in this qualification specification, all learners taking this qualification must be assessed in English and all assessment evidence presented for external quality assurance must be in English.

Internal assessment

Each learner must create a portfolio of evidence generated from appropriate assessment tasks, which demonstrates achievement of all the learning outcomes associated with each unit. On completion of each unit, learners must declare that the work produced is their own and the assessor must countersign this.

The main pieces of evidence for the portfolio could include:

  • assessor observation – completed observational checklists and related action plans
  • witness testimony
  • learner’s proof of work
  • worksheets
  • assignments/projects/reports
  • record of professional discussion
  • record of oral and written questioning
  • learner and peer reports
  • recognition of prior learning (RPL)

Internally assessed work should be completed by the learner in accordance with the qualification specification.

The tutor must be satisfied that the work produced is the learner’s own.

A centre must choose to create their own internal assessment tasks. The tasks should:

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