Explanation of terms

Explanation of terms

This table explains how the terms used at level 3 in the unit content are applied to this qualification (not all verbs are used in this qualification).

Apply Explain how existing knowledge can be linked to new or different situations in practice.
Analyse Break the subject down into separate parts and examine each part. Show how the main ideas are related and why they are important. Reference to current research or theory may support the analysis.
Clarify Explain the information in a clear, concise way.
Classify Organise according to specific criteria.
Collate Collect and present information arranged in sequential or logical order.
Compare Examine the subjects in detail and consider the similarities and differences.
Critically compare This is a development of compare where the learner considers the positive aspects and limitations of the subject.
Consider Think carefully and write about a problem, action or decision.
Demonstrate Show an understanding by describing, explaining or illustrating using examples.
Describe Write about the subject giving detailed information in a logical way.
Develop (a plan/idea which…) Expand a plan or idea by adding more detail and/or depth of information.
Diagnose Identify the cause based on valid evidence.
Differentiate Identify the differences between 2 or more things.
Discuss Write a detailed account giving a range of views or opinions.
Distinguish Explain the difference between 2 or more items, resources, pieces of information.
Draw conclusions (which…) Make a final decision or judgement based on reasons.
Estimate Form an approximate opinion or judgement using previous knowledge or considering other information.
Evaluate Examine strengths and weaknesses, arguments for and against and/or similarities and differences. Judge the evidence from the different perspectives and make a valid conclusion or reasoned judgement. Reference to current research or theory may support the evaluation.
Explain Provide detailed information about the subject with reasons showing how or why. Responses could include examples to support these reasons.
Extrapolate Use existing knowledge to predict possible outcomes that might be outside the norm.
Identify Recognise and name the main points accurately. (Some description may also be necessary to gain higher marks when using compensatory marking.)
Implement Explain how to put an idea or plan into action.
Interpret Explain the meaning of something.
Judge Form an opinion or make a decision.
Justify Give a satisfactory explanation for actions or decisions.
Perform Carry out a task or process to meet the requirements of the question.
Plan Think about and organise information in a logical way using an appropriate format.
Provide Identify and give relevant and detailed information in relation to the subject.
Reflect Learners should consider their actions, experiences or learning and the implications of this for their practice and/or professional development.
Review and revise Look back over the subject and make corrections or changes.
Select Make an informed choice for a specific purpose.
Show Supply evidence to demonstrate accurate knowledge and understanding.
State Give the main points clearly in sentences or paragraphs.
Summarise Give the main ideas or facts in a concise way. 

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