Previously Ready2Shine 

(Same service, improved branding)

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AreYou – Training and Consultancy is a specialist training provider. We have core expertise in Learning Disability, Specialist Relationship and Sex Education and First Aid. Our trainers are professionals; the courses are written with current policy and evidence.

We offer a mix of Face-to- Face and digital learning. Our eLearning site is still developing so more courses will be added over the coming months. We offer face-to-face courses for that deeper level of knowledge, discussions that offer valuable insight, and the ability to ask our trainers questions. We also offer Qualifications from the NCFE. These are a mixture of hybrid and face-to-face learning.

If you are part of an organisation, then please contact us at to purchase blocks of seats. If you are an individual, simply register and purchase the courses you require.

Most certificates last 1 year, unless otherwise stipulated.

Send a message to, and we will assist you.

Our website will regularly update, and our social media (@AreYouTC) will keep you informed of what is new!

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